
The Web3 Community Feedback Tool

Get feedback you can trust from validated members of your community.

Illustration of feedback from an NFT audience.

Used by communities like:

Aww, Rats! Logo

Get feedback and make decisions

Get Verified feedback

Make sure that the feedback you're getting from your community is actually coming from your community.

A survey asking people how long they have been collecting NFTs

Pre-sale List Building

Gather wallet addresses from interested people to help your new project launch with momentum.

A survey asking people to enter their wallet address for a presale

DIY DAO-lite

Give your community voting weight on ideas and initiatives based on the tokens they own.

A survey asking people to connect their wallet to verify their response

Useful features

Get feedback from verified holders

    • Tie responses back to wallet addresses and token holders.
    • Get to know your community over time by seeing all of the survey responses over time with a wallet.
    • Coming soon: Capture the amount of tokens a respondent has when they responded.

Lock Surveys to Specific People

    • Limit surveys to holders of tokens on specific contracts.
    • Cap the number of responses for things like POAPs, pre-sales, etc.
    • Coming soon: Limit participation to specific wallets.

Easily Explore Community Feedback

    • Clear and simple reports make it easy to see what your community is thinking as a group, and then dive in to see which individuals have specific feedback.
    • Coming soon: Associate feedback with the number of tokens someone has to understand what your superfans are thinking.